Gamers Reactions to CONNOR MEETING SUMO (DOG)



Can we all just agree that Sumo is a goodboye?

Sumo is a St. Bernard. These dogs were bred for pulling and utility in snowy conditions, hense their phenomenal strength, thick coat, and calm disposition.

Dbh Sumo

Sumo! Attack! Good dog.Hank Anderson after Connor breaks in. Sumo is a Saint Bernard dog in Detroit: Become Human. He is the pet of Lieutenant Hank Anderson ...

Detroit : Become Human | #11 - I love sumo

800哥又回來跟阿曼達稟報~ 這位阿曼達究竟是何許人也~ 可以勞動我們的800哥呢? 跟副隊長還能繼續合作下去嗎? 漢克的相撲也太可愛了吧!

Detroit Become Human Sumo

Sumo is a Saint Bernard dog in Detroit: Become Human. He is the pet of Lieutenant Hank Anderson. He was born in April 2031.

Detroit: Become Human - Sumo All Scenes

detroitbecomehuman #gaming #ps4 Detroit: Become Humans has players playing a huge role in the Android Revolution. Taking place in future ...

Sumo (Detroit: Become Human) - Works

On the Archive of Our Own (AO3), users can create works, bookmarks, comments, tags, and other Content. Any information you publish on AO3 may be accessible by ...

Sumo - Detroit: Become Human Wiki

Sumo is a Saint Bernard dog in Detroit: Become Human. He is the pet of Lieutenant Hank Anderson. He was born in April 2031.[1] How or when he came to live ...

The dog in Detroit: Become Human is really freaking me out

Sumo belongs to Hank, the detective who co-stars in Detroit's least offensive storyline. Connor, the cop android, checks in on Hank at his home ...


SumoisaSt.Bernard.Thesedogswerebredforpullingandutilityinsnowyconditions,hensetheirphenomenalstrength,thickcoat,andcalmdisposition.,Sumo!Attack!Gooddog.HankAndersonafterConnorbreaksin.SumoisaSaintBernarddoginDetroit:BecomeHuman.HeisthepetofLieutenantHankAnderson ...,800哥又回來跟阿曼達稟報~這位阿曼達究竟是何許人也~可以勞動我們的800哥呢?跟副隊長還能繼續合作下去嗎?漢克的相撲也太可愛了吧!,Sumoisa...

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